Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring in Cambria

Cambria is well into spring, with flowers blooming and the weather conducive to long hours in my adirondack chair on the back deck. Here are a few of our neighbors who hang around the house and nearby boardwalk.
We enjoy deer cruising the streets and yards, raccoons rummaging for goodies, fox lurking in the shadows, squirrels jumping from tree to tree, dozens of birds (they particularly like our bird bath), turkeys on parade, an occasional skunk usually evident by their trace of perfume, on rare occasions a sunbathing mountain lion, the moles and voles... not so much we see them and not so much fun to see.
Our forests and shores are inhabited by such a variety of interesting wildlife that often surprise you when they come out to play within a few feet of where you sit or walk.

Have you enjoyed any particular interesting wildlife sightings?
Share your experiences with me. I love to hear from visitors and locals alike regarding their personal Cambria joys.
To see more photos visit SeeCambria.com